PROGRAM weekend 2


You will find the entire time on the site:

The info kiosk serves as a central point of contact for visitors during the festival. Here you will find the program booklet and all important information about the festival, the Mäusebunker and Urbane Praxis. You can also borrow mini-golf equipment, make souvenirs and enjoy drinks and snacks here.

MÄUSEGOLF (Tournament event on 20 September, 16:00-18:00)
A unique minigolf course awaits you around the Mäusebunker! The courses were designed together using recycled materials that we found on site. Each section of the course reflects the special architecture of the Mäusebunker and invites you to explore the space in a playful way.

SUPA SAUNA (The sauna is reserved exclusively for FLINTA* every Saturday and Sunday from 16:00-19:00).
Supa Sauna provides a wellness atmosphere on the festival grounds. At the weekends, it is supervised by sauna masters and infusions are offered. The sauna is to be understood as a community-building and promoting object in the urban space. As such, it serves to bring different people together in a place of tranquillity in an otherwise turbulent environment. A unique social space in which a community pursues the basic need for comfort and refreshment of body and mind. The centuries-old tradition of sauna bathing, which has been shaped by different cultures, is thus directly integrated into the urban space. The sauna is reserved exclusively for FLINTA* every Saturday and Sunday from 6 to 7 pm.

Discover the mouse bunker and its surroundings in a new sensory way. You can relax and experience new things on the trail of plant care and health. The barefoot path can be found on the lower grounds of the mouse bunker.

SumSum Catering will serve you delicious food for sale. SumSum is a young, growing catering company that supports various teams and individuals to find a way into the food trade. The cornerstones of the company culture are ecological, sustainable and social.über-uns
Times: Friday 13.09., 17:00-19:00 - Saturday 14.09., 14:00-20:00 - Sunday 15.09., 14:00-20:00 - Friday 20.09., 14:00-20:00 - Saturday 21.09., 14:00-20:00pm - Sunday 22.09., 14:00-20:00


Thirsday 12.09. 15-19:00
Friday 13.09. 16-22:00
Saturday 14.09. 11-22:00
Sunday 15.09. 11-20:00
Monday 16. bis Donnerstag 19.09. 11-19:00
Friday 20.09. 11-22:00
Saturday 21.09. 11-22:00
Sunday 22.09. 11-22:00
Monday 23.09. - Sunday 29.09. 11-19:00


Place/ Spaces



Which spoken languages are spoken during the programme.

Is the programme suitable for children?

What are the special attractions of the programme?

Content notes are notices about potentially incriminating content that can be potentially triggering. Communication about this allows potential visitors to decide for themselves whether a performance is accessible for them or not.

Contact person with contact email for registration (if required).

Link to the calendar entry

FRiday 20.09.

PROGRAMM 15.09. Urbane Künste ERbeLEBEN - Caring City

PROGRAMM 15.09. Urbane Künste ERbeLEBEN - Caring City

Under the theme of Caring City, the students in 2024 dealt with the city oriented towards the common good that promotes interpersonal care. How can a city ensure that all city dwellers feel comfortable and safe in their diversity? Which urban infrastructures and spaces of trust promote interpersonal relationships and create a sense of security? A selection of the projects can be seen in the Mäusebunker.

Lazy Land

Friday, 20.09. 13:00-17:00


German spoken language



ICOLLECTIVE E.V. Art director: Valeria Schwarz

Urban space as an extended classroom: Since 2018, Urbane Künste ERbeLEBEN has been inviting young people to actively participate in the discourse on public space as creative city dwellers and to get involved in child-friendly urban development. The aim is to encourage young people to consciously formulate and artistically express their needs, visions and demands for urban space.

PROGRAMM 20.09. Homo Symbiosis - Reimagining Co-Habitation with Nature. Posthuman Dialogues in Art and Technology

PROGRAMM 20.09. Homo Symbiosis - Reimagining Co-Habitation with Nature. Posthuman Dialogues in Art and Technology

The interactive exhibition “Homo Symbiosis” by Dagmar Schürrer and Lauren Moffatt, is dedicated to activating the open spaces around the iconic site of the mouse bunker and focuses on topics such as urban well-being, environmental justice and the dynamic interplay between nature and technology. Dagmar Schürrer and Lauren Moffatt present their perspectives using methods such as mixed reality, VR and AR. Curator: Nabi Nara.


Friday, 20.09. 11:00-19:00
Saturday, 21.09. 11:00-19:00
Sunday, 22.09. 11:00-19:00

The exhibition can mainly be experienced visually. Also suitable for deaf people.

Yes. participation possible

VR glasses: Nausea is possible in rare cases.

Interactive Exhibitions


SOMA Art Berlin, founded in 2014, is an independent exhibition space for contemporary art. It fosters collaboration between cultural practitioners, artists, scholars and activists worldwide to enable a sustainable dialog. SOMA focuses intensively on the perspectives of artists from Berlin with diverse backgrounds who deal with new media and technology-based art.

PROGRAM 20.09. Workshop: Map of urban wellbeing

PROGRAM 20.09. Workshop: Map of urban wellbeing

What does well-being in the city mean? Which actors in Berlin contribute to urban well-being and how? What do initiatives do? What is the administration working on? And where can they support each other better? The workshop will start with an input from Nassim Mehran (Interdisciplinary Forum Neurourban Studies) on a comprehensive understanding of health and the role of (cultural) urban spaces for health, followed by a further input from Anne Pfennig (Bezirksamt Mitte) and Valeria Schwarz (ERbeLEBEN) on the educational network “Urbane Künste ERbeLEBEN” and the exhibition “Caring City”. The workshop is aimed at initiatives and representatives of administration and politics. Together we will develop a map of urban well-being for Berlin, map practices that contribute to a healthier city and identify potential for mutual support.

Harmony Heights

Friday, 20.09. 15:30-18:00


German spoken language


Previous knowledge is required, but no scientific language is used. The venue is outdoors, please dress for the weather. In case of rain or storm, alternative rooms will be organised at short notice.

Registration to:
Max. number of participants: 30

Urbane Praxis e.V. is an association that supports the interests of urban practitioners. It builds networks and connects civil society actors, administration and politics in order to shape vibrant and sustainable cities. The association represents urban practitioners and imparts knowledge in order to make cross-departmental urban issues visible.

PROGRAM 20.09. Panel discussion Urban Practice. Urban wellbeing

PROGRAM 20.09. Panel discussion Urban Practice. Urban wellbeing

A panel discussion with politicians and the Berlin Project Fund Urbane Praxis on the role of Urbane Praxis for urban well-being.

Harmony Heights

Friday, 20.09. 18:30-20:00

Panel discussion

German spoken language


Prior knowledge in the fields of urban development, urban practice, social and cultural issues is advantageous. However, no academic language. The venue is outdoors, please dress for the weather. In case of rain or storm, alternative rooms will be organized at short notice.

Max. number of participants: 30

Urbane Praxis e.V. is an association that supports the interests of urban practitioners. It builds networks and connects civil society actors, administration and politics in order to shape vibrant and sustainable cities. The association represents urban practitioners and imparts knowledge in order to make cross-departmental urban issues visible.

PROGRAM 20.09. In unserer Hood fantasieren

PROGRAM 20.09. In unserer Hood fantasieren

The Mäusebunker becomes a stage for the imagination. At the workshop “Mäusebunker: Fantasizing in our Hood”, the historical monument is transformed into a creative oasis where reality and imagination become blurred. Together we will make DIY masks and costumes, explore a crypto labyrinth and capture magical moments with instant cameras. Through photography, dream boards and creative activities, we celebrate our community and strengthen our sense of belonging. “Fantasizing in our Hood” is our manifesto for a colorful, just world.

School of Soft

Friday, 20.09. 14:00-19:00


Suitable for all ages. Children under the age of 6 can take part with the help and support of their carers.

German, English, Polish spoken language

No previous experience necessary. Comfortable clothing that can get dirty is recommended.

Optional registration at:
Max. Number of participants: 20

PROGRAMM 20.09. Mäuse-Minigolf-Turnier

PROGRAMM 20.09. Mäuse-Minigolf-Turnier

We cordially invite you to the Mice Mini Golf Tournament! The minigolf tournament will take place on the terraces around the Mäusebunker and is suitable for everyone aged 5 and over. The courses and obstacles were built together with visitors as part of the festival from various recycled materials that we found around the Mäusebunker. Come along, bring your family and friends and show off your minigolf skills! There are great little prizes to be won.


Friday, 20.09. 16:00-18:00

Sport competition

Participation possible. Children aged 6 and over.

Main language: German, possible translation into English.

No previous experience necessary. Comfortable clothing that can get dirty is recommended.

Registration optional at:
Max. Number of participants: 15-20


The workshop is a cooperation between Kollektiv von Null and Studio Genua. Together we work in a pan-European, interdisciplinary, cooperative and process-oriented way. Our aim is to track down the essence of a place and to reveal spatial potentials through sensitive interventions.

PROGRAM 20.09. Gender-Appropriate Open Space Design: Safety Walks and Collaborative Art for Inclusive Urban Spaces

PROGRAM 20.09. Gender-Appropriate Open Space Design: Safety Walks and Collaborative Art for Inclusive Urban Spaces

An interactive workshop and city exploration tour is focused on gender-appropriate open space design. The activities will investigate spatial barriers, promote safer spaces, and encourage a meaningful discourse to understand emotional and physical responses to the space. The main objectives of the workshop will be to re-imagine the open areas and the green corridor along the Teltow Canal with emotional mapping and performative walks.
Everyone is welcome to the workshop, but we mainly encourage FLINTA*, people with experience of migration, LGBTQAI+ community and BIPoC individuals to join.

Kinship Garden

Friday, 20.09. 17:00-21:00


Main language of the workshop is English. Individual translations/explanations in German, French and Russian possible. No prior knowledge needed.

Yes, with supervisor

The workshop starts in daylight and gets darker, without complete darkness or lighting effects. Participants evaluate lighting and typical sounds in public spaces, with pauses to minimise stimuli. Passers-by can be present and interactions are voluntary. Adjustments for comfort and accessibility are possible.

Registration to:
Max. number of participants: 30


Wir sind ein unabhängiges Forschungskollektiv in Berlin, das die Überschneidung von Umweltgerechtigkeit und Feminismus in städtischen Grünflächen erforscht. Wir stellen die Stimmen von FLINTA*, Menschen mit Migrationserfahrung, der LGBTQIA+-Community und BIPoC-Personen in den Mittelpunkt, um uns inklusivere öffentliche Räume vorzustellen.

PROGRAM 20.09. ghostly tracks

PROGRAM 20.09. ghostly tracks

Two video projections on the façade of the mouse bunker question the relationship between human and non-human species: While the now empty building houses the memory and spirits of many lives within its thick walls, it finally makes space to create a new relationship with our non-human co-inhabitants. Practicing climate care and climate justice means taking responsibility for and caring for all the spaces of coexistence we encounter.


Friday, 20.09. 20:30-22:00
Saturday, 21.09. 20:30-22:00
Sunday, 22.09. 20:30-22:00

TAlk + Video-Projection-Installation

The installation is visual and works with sound, spoken language is not provided.

Yes. Participation possible.

Video projections with sound in natural darkness.



ufo ufo is a spatial research collective from Berlin. We create new narratives for a more democratic and ecological vision of cities and work with film as a means of documentation, narration and communication. We organize film screenings in urban spaces to make social and ecological issues accessible to people who are not planning experts.

Saturday 21.09.2024

PROGRAM 21.09. Homo Symbiosis - Reimagining Co-Habitation with Nature. Posthuman Dialogues in Art and Technology

PROGRAM 21.09. Homo Symbiosis - Reimagining Co-Habitation with Nature. Posthuman Dialogues in Art and Technology

The interactive exhibition “Homo Symbiosis” by Dagmar Schürrer and Lauren Moffatt, is dedicated to activating the open spaces around the iconic site of the mouse bunker and focuses on topics such as urban well-being, environmental justice and the dynamic interplay between nature and technology. Dagmar Schürrer and Lauren Moffatt present their perspectives using methods such as mixed reality, VR and AR. Curator: Nabi Nara.


Saturday, 21.09. 11:00-19:00
Sunday, 22.09. 11:00-19:00

Interaktive exhibitions

Die Ausstellung ist überwiegend visuell erlebbar. Auch für gehörlose Menschen geeignet.

Yes. Participation possible.

VR glasses: Nausea is possible in rare cases.


SOMA Art Berlin, founded in 2014, is an independent exhibition space for contemporary art. It fosters collaboration between cultural practitioners, artists, scholars and activists worldwide to enable a sustainable dialog. SOMA focuses intensively on the perspectives of artists from Berlin with diverse backgrounds who deal with new media and technology-based art.

PROGRAM 21.09. History of living beings - MÄUSEBUNKER BERLIN

PROGRAM 21.09. History of living beings - MÄUSEBUNKER BERLIN

Wofür steht der Mäusebunker, wer erzählt seine Geschichte? Wer erinnert an die hier verbrauchten Leben der „Modellorganismen“ Maus, Zebrafisch und Kopffüßerin und was hätten diese Lebewesen darüber zu sagen, was mit diesem Ort passieren soll? Eine Multispiezies-Audioinstallation mit den Stimmen der Vertretungen von Maus, Zebrafisch, Kopffüßerin, Knoppergallwespe, Mauerflechte, Robinie, Hantavirus.

Live-Führung um 11 und 14 Uhr für 45 Minuten. Die Audioinstallation kann jederzeit selbstständig mit dem Smartphone erlebt werden.


Saturday, 21.09. 11:00-19:00
Sunday, 22.09. 11:00-19:00

Audiowalk + guided tour

German spoken language

Yes. Participation possible.

The audio installation can be experienced independently at any time using a smartphone.



Club Real develops participative, site-specific projects. Installations, one-to-one encounters, political role-playing games and urban development projects invite people to help shape concepts of reality. Together with the association Organismendemokratie e.V., we are working to involve all species equally in the development of ecosystems.

PROGRAM 21.09. Kiosk of solidarity

PROGRAM 21.09. Kiosk of solidarity

The kiosk creates a place for inter- and transdisciplinary dialogue on the topics of health and solidarity in Berlin. Discussion events with initiatives (including Gesundheitskollektiv Neukölln, Sorge ins Parkcenter!) and workshops will take place around the kiosk. The results of the workshops and events are graphically recorded at the kiosk in the form of slogans and posters.

School of Soft

Saturday, 21.09. 11:00-19:00
Sunday, 22.09. 11:00-19:00

Exhibitions, Workshop

Deutsche Lautsprache

Yes. Participation possible



The Kiosk of Solidarity is an urban practice format that intervenes in Berlin's public space together with civil society initiatives. In a variety of formats, the kiosk brings together initiatives, neighbors and other interested parties and temporarily brings solidarity practices into the public urban space.

PROGRAM 21.09. Mobile community studio for political contemporary art with an open live art studio with refugee architects

PROGRAM 21.09. Mobile community studio for political contemporary art with an open live art studio with refugee architects

Here, people with and without experience of flight, with and without disabilities, children, young people and senior citizens, BIPoC, queer people... come together. In projects on architecture and contemporary art that deal with socially relevant issues of our time, they come in touch with one another.
In a kind of laboratory in the shape of a learning platform, the programme participants explore which artistic expressive power is developed to reflect global issues of the 21st century. The art materials used in the process are also examined in exercises. The programme encourages open cooperation and empathy, but also democratic ability to dissent.
The project work is fundamentally barrier- and discrimination-sensitive.
In the Ubuntus pavilion in front of the Mäusebunker (lit. ‘mice bunker’), the following programme take place for you (on sunday there will be a different one):

How can we feel safe in our city and experience peace, even if we are, for instance, ill? How do you feel in the immediate vicinity of the Mäusebunker? Oudai Amer (Syria) and Vasylysa Shchogoleva (Ukraine) look into these questions using games, dialogue, silence and sound in an open thinking and feeling laboratory together with you.

Parallel to the events, you can browse through our mobile reference library with diversity-oriented publications on contemporary art and society and also borrow a book for an hour on the festival premises.

School of Soft

Saturday, 21.09. 13:00-18:00
Sunday, 22.09. 13:00-18:00

Live studio, exhibition, mobile reference library

Main language: German. Other possible spoken languages: English and languages of the participating architects with a refugee biography. If required, the event content/pictures can be described orally or books and texts can be read aloud.

Yes. Participation possible



The intergenerational art education program Ubuntus e.V. is for people with/without refugee experience and/or impairments/disabilities. In equal educational sponsorships, they all come into contact with each other in projects on architecture and contemporary art that deal with socially relevant issues of our time and learn something about themselves and the urban society in which they live.

PROGRAM 21.09. Warum machen wir das eigentlich? - Activism and mental health. Between self-empowerment and overload

PROGRAM 21.09. Warum machen wir das eigentlich? - Activism and mental health. Between self-empowerment and overload

Activists are always faced with the challenge of balancing their own mental health. In a moderated conversation between Carlotta and Senami followed by a Q&A session, we will discuss activism and mental health in the field of tension between self-empowerment and overload: Can commitment to social change create a sense of meaning and belonging that may even counteract depression? What personal challenges are associated with intensive or long-term activist activities and how can we avoid exceeding our own limits?

Kinship Garden

Saturday, 21.09. 13:00-14:30


German spoken language



Senami Zodehougan (no pronoun/they_them), Clinical and Health Psychologist M.Sc., is the psychological-pedagogical coordinator at I-Päd Berlin and responsible for the field of intersectional sexual education. In addition, Senami accompanies groups, teams and collectives in the form of supervision/mediation and gives workshops on intersectional confrontations with power relations. Carlotta Schröder (she/her), clinical and health psychologist M.Sc., is a psychological counselor in a women's shelter in Berlin. Crisis intervention, suicide prevention and risk analysis are among her tasks in a self-organized team, in addition to providing care for people affected by gender-based violence. Carlotta has been involved in various anti-violence projects for over 13 years.

PROGRAM 21.09. Infotour around the Mäusebunker

PROGRAM 21.09. Infotour around the Mäusebunker

We cordially invite you to our family-friendly mediation tour on the festival site ...around the Mäusebunker! The tour is informative and suitable for all ages. You will learn exciting stories about the famous mouse bunker, a former animal testing centre. We will tell you how this extraordinary building came into being and what its history of use has been. The tour also introduces the festival's themes relating to urban well-being and health and presents individual exhibition elements and programme items.


Saturday, 21.09. 14:00-15:00
Sunday, 22.09. 14:00-15:00


German spoken language



Charlotte Wanda Kachelmann is a Berlin-based illustrator and art mediator. She has been working with people with disabilities for several years, organising and leading inclusive art projects at the Akademie der Künste, the Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, the Goethe Institutes in France and in non-institutional, funded projects. Her work is motivated by the desire to reduce interpersonal fears of contact through artistic encounters and to create spaces in which empathy and broadening of perception are encouraged. She is a participant in the RESONANCE Platform for Cultural and Creative Industries in Europe programme initiated by the network of Goethe-Instituts in France. For her project ‘Quellraum für Radikal Inklusive Kunstvermittlung’, Charlotte, together with Lotti Seebeck, received the scholarship of the Städtische Galerie Wolfsburg in 2023.

PROGRAMM 21.09. Aftertaste

PROGRAMM 21.09. Aftertaste

A happening where space is examined through the lens of edible plant species: (spontaneous) vegetation can tell us about soil composition, toxins from previous uses, activities, social and cultural attitudes and the presence of more than just human co-inhabitants. By learning about unfamiliar flavors and overlooked or demonized plant species, we seek to create new values and challenge established hierarchies. The search for edible “”weeds“” helps us to look beyond the everyday urban landscape and brings excitement to everyday spaces and activities such as food preparation and eating. Through the choreography of collecting, preparing and sharing food together, the participants become actors and gain new perspectives on the city that continue to have an impact even after the food has been eaten and the dishes have been cleaned up.

Comfort Cantine

Saturday, 21.09. 14:00-19:00

Cooking workshop

Main language: English, translation into German possible.

Yes. Participation possible.

Please bring containers, a knife or scissors and a water bottle. The event also takes place outside the festival grounds.

Registration at:
Max. number of participants: 16-20


The artist and architect Jasmine Parsley understands architecture as a performative practice with transformative potential. She creates ephemeral spaces by bringing bodies together and shifting the kitchen into the public realm as a medium to connect social and environmental issues. Her practice involves analysing and questioning implicit ideologies and hierarchies inscribed in public space, opening up new ways of encountering everyday, banal spaces.

PROGRAMM 21.09. Arbeitspause mit Bunkermäusen

PROGRAMM 21.09. Arbeitspause mit Bunkermäusen

As a community creation experiment, we are looking for words and visions! With Cheong Kin Man, Marcos Garcia Pérez, Johanna Reichhart, Marta Stanisława Sala and Katarzyna Sala, a utopian language will be developed as a playful act of decolonization. We listen and turn the inside out during an audio walk from a queer-feminist perspective. (Bruce Lee: “Don't think! Feel!”).

Kinship Garden

Saturday, 21.09. 15:00-19:00

Workshop + Performance

Main languages: German and English. Translations into Cantonese, Chinese (Mandarin), Polish and Spanish are also possible.

Yes. Participation possible.

If possible, please bring your mobile phone and headphones. in public space, up to 30 participants - drop-in offer.



An “institution of collective creation” developed in 2018, three years later the core members founded “Arbeitspause” in response to the pandemic in order to “do something together”: 5 actions took place in Görlitzer Park. In 2022, the artistic collective organized its first “individual group exhibition” with 26 artists.

PROGRAM 21.09. Living Creatures

PROGRAM 21.09. Living Creatures

Living Creatures ist ein performativer Rundgang um den Mäusebunker, der sich tanzkünstlerisch mit dem ehemaligen Zweck des Gebäudes auseinandersetzt, Ort für Tierversuche und Ort der Aufzucht der Versuchstiere. Ein Kokon aus dem sich zwei Wesen herausschälen, eine Metamorphose. Die Wesen werden Teil der komplexen Welt, die noch komplexere Strukturen schafft und sie existieren nur, um zu erkennen, dass ihre Existenz in Gefahr ist. Living Creatures setzt sich zusammen aus einer bereits bestehenden Performance der Gruppe Creatures Collective und einer Choreografie von Nadja Raszewski die für den Ort entwickelt wird.


Saturday, 21.09. 16:00-17:00
Sunday, 22.09. 16:00-17:00

Performative tour

No verbal language/ performative tour

Yes. Participation possible.



Under the motto “bring different people move together”, TanzTangente has been active in diverse artistic, social and educational contexts since 1981 and initiates creative processes - interdisciplinary, intergenerational, intercultural and international. Our medium is contemporary dance in all its diversity, this time in cooperation with the Creatures collective.

PROGRAM 21.09. ghostly tracks

PROGRAM 21.09. ghostly tracks

Two video projections on the façade of the mouse bunker question the relationship between human and non-human species: While the now empty building houses the memory and spirits of many lives within its thick walls, it finally makes space to create a new relationship with our non-human co-inhabitants. Practicing climate care and climate justice means taking responsibility for and caring for all the spaces of coexistence we encounter.


Saturday, 21.09. 20:30-22:00
Sunday, 22.09. 20:30-22:000

Talk + video projection installation

The installation is visual and works with sound, spoken language is not intended.

Yes. Participation possible.

Video projections with sound in natural darkness.


ufo ufo is a spatial research collective from Berlin. We create new narratives for a more democratic and ecological vision of cities and work with film as a means of documentation, narration and communication. We organise film screenings in urban spaces to make social and ecological issues accessible to people who are not planning experts.

PROGRAM 21.09. Music at the Mäusebunker

PROGRAM 21.09. Music at the Mäusebunker

17:00-17:30 Für Elise (Live Act, Dub, Freestyle Rap, Carribean Sounds) FÜR ELISE is a young Berlin band that emerged from the inclusive music project Ick Mach Welle by Killekill. The band consists of the Afro-German Elise Neumann on the microphone and the legendary Turkish-Finnish music producer and crooner Khan of Finland, who has been an elementary part of the queer scene for over 30 years. Elise impresses with her soulful voice, her incredible stage presence and her freestyling skills, Khan with his outstanding beauty and brilliance in production.

17:30-19:00 DJ Bläck Dävil (DJ Set ,Acid House, House, Techno) Werner aka Bläck Dävil is a stubborn and unusual guy who is hard to get out of your head, both as a person and as an artist. His motto could be: Turn shit into gold. Or turning broken computers into (halfway) functioning ones. Or turning a found record player into a few euros. Somehow it always goes on and Werner never stands still, he makes barter deals with half the city, and somehow he always manages to gather everything he needs to keep making music.

19:30-23:00 Public Display Of Affection This international band mixes art-punk with provocative indie music. Famous for their raucous live shows, cinematic visual art and a wild arrangement of styles, PDOA (Public Display of Affection) tickles the voyeur in all of us. The explosive vocals of lyricist and dancer Madeleine Rose on tracks co-produced by Anton Remy have played no small part in keeping Germany's capital city crazy in recent years, recalling the fearless eccentricity of the West Berlin performance art and music collectives of the 1980s. PDOA is an act of almost meditative non-duality that hits the golden ratio between soul food and sin.

20:30-22:00 Wisdom Tits (DJ Set / New Wave, Post-Punk, Glamour) In their DJ sets, Wisdom Tits combine minimal synth, synthpunk, post punk and no wave with a focus on female perspectives and queer acts.

Harmony Heights

Saturday, 21.09. 17:00-22:00
Sunday, 22.09. 17:00-22:000

Open air concert

Yes. participation possible.

sunday 22.09.2024

PROGRAMM 22.09. Homo Symbiosis - Reimagining Co-Habitation with Nature. Posthuman Dialogues in Art and Technology

PROGRAMM 22.09. Homo Symbiosis - Reimagining Co-Habitation with Nature. Posthuman Dialogues in Art and Technology

The interactive exhibition “Homo Symbiosis” by Dagmar Schürrer and Lauren Moffatt, is dedicated to activating the open spaces around the iconic site of the mouse bunker and focuses on topics such as urban well-being, environmental justice and the dynamic interplay between nature and technology. Dagmar Schürrer and Lauren Moffatt present their perspectives using methods such as mixed reality, VR and AR. Curator: Nabi Nara.


Sunday, 22.09. 11:00-19:00

Interactive exhibition

The exhibition can mainly be experienced visually. Also suitable for deaf people.

Yes. Participation possible

VR glasses: Nausea is possible in rare cases.



SOMA Art Berlin, founded in 2014, is an independent exhibition space for contemporary art. It fosters collaboration between cultural practitioners, artists, scholars and activists worldwide to enable a sustainable dialog. SOMA focuses intensively on the perspectives of artists from Berlin with diverse backgrounds who deal with new media and technology-based art.

PROGRAMM 22.09. A different river twice - Der Wasser Broadcast #4

PROGRAMM 22.09. A different river twice - Der Wasser Broadcast #4

With the broadcast “A different river twice”, artist Nora Spiekermann focuses on water as a public good and part of public space. In collaboration with Katya Romanova (Re:imagine your city), Spree:publik and Cashmere Radio, a raft trip with an audience and discussion will take place. The trip will be structured by several stops on the Teltow Canal and on land, where site-specific surprises and a water bar await.


Sunday, 22.09. 15:00-18:00



German spoken language, English spoken language also possible by arrangement

Yes. Participation possible

Registration to:
Max. Number of participants: 15

Please bring the following: Sun protection (headgear, sun cream), 1 litre of water from the tap at home, life jacket for minors if necessary; event outside the festival area, on the water; stops possible at any time.


The Offener Kanal Europa (O.K.E.) uses artistic formats such as performances, city tours, interventions, experimental radio and live TV shows to provide access to regulated urban spaces.

PROGRAMM 22.09. Kiosk of solidarity

PROGRAMM 22.09. Kiosk of solidarity

The kiosk creates a place for inter- and transdisciplinary dialogue on the topics of health and solidarity in Berlin. Discussion events with initiatives (including Gesundheitskollektiv Neukölln, Sorge ins Parkcenter!) and workshops will take place around the kiosk. The results of the workshops and events will be graphically recorded at the kiosk in the form of slogans and posters. The kiosk creates a place for inter- and transdisciplinary dialogue on the topics of health and solidarity in Berlin. Discussion events with initiatives (including Gesundheitskollektiv Neukölln, Sorge ins Parkcenter!) and workshops will take place around the kiosk. The results of the workshops and events are graphically recorded at the kiosk in the form of slogans and posters.

School of Soft

Sunday, 22.09. 11:00-19:00

Exhibition, Workshop

German spoken language

Yes. Participation possible



The Kiosk of Solidarity is an urban practice format that intervenes in Berlin's public space together with civil society initiatives. In a variety of formats, the kiosk brings together initiatives, neighbors and other interested parties and temporarily brings solidarity practices into the public urban space.

PROGRAM 22.09. History of living beings - MÄUSEBUNKER BERLIN

PROGRAM 22.09. History of living beings - MÄUSEBUNKER BERLIN

What does the Mäusebunker stand for, who tells its story? Who remembers the lives of the ‘model organisms’ mouse, zebrafish and cephalopod that were consumed here and what would these creatures have to say about what should happen to this place? A multispiecies audio installation with the voices of the representatives of the mouse, zebrafish, cephalopod, knopper gall wasp, wall lichen, robinia and hantavirus. Live guided tour at 11am and 2pm for 45 minutes. The audio installation can be experienced independently at any time using a smartphone.


Sunday, 22.09. 11:00-19:00

Audiowalk + guided tour

German spoken language

Yes. Participation possible

The audio installation can be experienced live via a guided tour or independently with a smartphone.



Club Real develops participative, site-specific projects. Installations, one-to-one encounters, political role-playing games and urban development projects invite people to help shape concepts of reality. Together with the association Organismendemokratie e.V., we are working to involve all species equally in the development of ecosystems.

PROGRAM 22.09. Zu Tisch

PROGRAM 22.09. Zu Tisch

For the festival “... around the Mäusebunker” we want to sit down together at a table to ask ourselves and others: “HOW TO LIVE TOGETHER”? Based on their own wishes, needs and political positions, the participants will enter into a formalized dialogue. After a warm-up for voice, body and the group, we form a temporary working group around the table.

Kinship Garden

Sunday, 22.09. 12:00-14:00

Talk + Performance

German spoken language. However, it is also possible to speak in English during the performance.


Registration to:
Max. number of participants10-25

ANA HALINA -RINGLEB (artist) CARLA-FRIEDA NETTELNBREKER (actress, performer) JOHANNA ACKVA (choreographer, performer)

PROGRAM 22.09. Mobile community studio for contemporary political art with exhibition by Selma Özdemir

PROGRAM 22.09. Mobile community studio for contemporary political art with exhibition by Selma Özdemir

Here, people with and without experience of flight, with and without disabilities, children, young people and senior citizens, BIPoC, queer people... come together. In projects on architecture and contemporary art that deal with socially relevant issues of our time, they come in touch with one another.
In a kind of laboratory in the shape of a learning platform, the programme participants explore which artistic expressive power is developed to reflect global issues of the 21st century. The art materials used in the process are also examined in exercises. The programme encourages open cooperation and empathy, but also democratic ability to dissent.
The project work is fundamentally barrier- and discrimination-sensitive.
In the Ubuntus pavilion in front of the Mäusebunker (lit. ‘mice bunker’), the following programme take place for you (on saturday there is a different one):

Selma Özdemir's animal drawings – carefully selected and intentionally presented in an essential way – are contrasted here with the massive Mäusebunker and its history of experiments on animals. As if the artist briefly invites the souls of animals so that we can see ourselves reflected in them, and then let them go again. Gentle and sometimes humorous at the same time: this is how Selma Özdemir's work can be described.
Selma Özdemir has a learning and speech impairment. Depending on how she feels during the exhibition, she may also be drawing live in the pavilion.
Parallel to the events, you can browse through our mobile reference library with diversity-oriented publications on contemporary art and society and also borrow a book for an hour on the festival premises.

School of Soft

Sunday, 22.09. 13:00-18:00

Live studio, exhibition, mobile reference library

Main language: German. Other possible spoken languages: English and languages of the participating architects with a refugee biography. If required, the event content/pictures can be described orally or books and texts can be read aloud.

Yes. Participation possible



The intergenerational art education program Ubuntus e.V. is for people with/without refugee experience and/or impairments/disabilities. In equal educational sponsorships, they all come into contact with each other in projects on architecture and contemporary art that deal with socially relevant issues of our time and learn something about themselves and the urban society in which they live.

PROGRAM 22.09. Infotour around the Mäusebunker

PROGRAM 22.09. Infotour around the Mäusebunker

We cordially invite you to our family-friendly mediation tour on the festival site ...around the Mäusebunker! The tour is informative and suitable for all ages. You will learn exciting stories about the famous mouse bunker, a former animal testing centre. We will tell you how this extraordinary building came into being and what its history of use has been. The tour also introduces the festival's themes relating to urban well-being and health and presents individual exhibition elements and programme items.


Sunday, 22.09. 14:00-15:00


German spoken language



Charlotte Wanda Kachelmann is a Berlin-based illustrator and art mediator. She has been working with people with disabilities for several years, organising and leading inclusive art projects at the Akademie der Künste, the Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, the Goethe Institutes in France and in non-institutional, funded projects. Her work is motivated by the desire to reduce interpersonal fears of contact through artistic encounters and to create spaces in which empathy and broadening of perception are encouraged. She is a participant in the RESONANCE Platform for Cultural and Creative Industries in Europe programme initiated by the network of Goethe-Instituts in France. For her project ‘Quellraum für Radikal Inklusive Kunstvermittlung’, Charlotte, together with Lotti Seebeck, received the scholarship of the Städtische Galerie Wolfsburg in 2023.

PROGRAM 22.09. Exchange round at the Kiosk of Solidarity on health structures and the work of initiatives

PROGRAM 22.09. Exchange round at the Kiosk of Solidarity on health structures and the work of initiatives

The Kiosk of Solidarity invites you to exchange ideas: together with initiatives such as the Neukölln Health Collective, Sorge ins Parkcenter and others, we will discuss healthcare structures in the city and how healthcare locations can be developed in a spirit of solidarity and for the common good. The initiatives will provide an insight into their experiences, challenges and questions.

School of Soft

Sunday, 22.09. 14:00-15:30


German spoken language




The Kiosk of Solidarity is an urban practice format that intervenes in Berlin's public space together with civil society initiatives. In a variety of formats, the kiosk brings together initiatives, neighbors and other interested parties and temporarily brings solidarity practices into the public urban space.

PROGRAM 22.09. Gesunde KüfA

PROGRAM 22.09. Gesunde KüfA

Collective cooking event (aka KüFA) with inputs on “Planetary Health”” focuses on creating a healthy menu that also keeps sugar levels low. An introductory game and inputs on the two topics are planned so that all participants are familiarized with new knowledge and can participate more easily. However, the focus will be on the topic “healthy menu for stabilizing sugar levels”, and a few recipes and tricks will be presented to help with this. We will cook, chop, decorate and learn together.

Comfort Cantine

Sunday, 22.09. 14:00-17:00

Cooking workshop

Main language: German, translations into English or Italian are possible. No DGS, but small maps and descriptions can be provided.


If possible, please bring the following: Hair tie, apron, own dishes (1 plate or 1 Tupperware container) + cutlery

Registration to:
Max. Number of participants 10 (cooking) 50 (food)


We are a group of committed Berliners who want to bring the food revolution to the neighborhood together. This is to be made possible through participation and active involvement in various event formats at different locations in Kreuzberg with a focus on Mehringplatz. The exchange with the neighbors is very important to us. We also cooperate a lot with other groups and LebensMittelPunkte. Our focus is on KüfAs in cooperation with other organizations.

PROGRAM 21.09. Living Creatures

PROGRAM 21.09. Living Creatures

Living Creatures ist ein performativer Rundgang um den Mäusebunker, der sich tanzkünstlerisch mit dem ehemaligen Zweck des Gebäudes auseinandersetzt, Ort für Tierversuche und Ort der Aufzucht der Versuchstiere. Ein Kokon aus dem sich zwei Wesen herausschälen, eine Metamorphose. Die Wesen werden Teil der komplexen Welt, die noch komplexere Strukturen schafft und sie existieren nur, um zu erkennen, dass ihre Existenz in Gefahr ist. Living Creatures setzt sich zusammen aus einer bereits bestehenden Performance der Gruppe Creatures Collective und einer Choreografie von Nadja Raszewski die für den Ort entwickelt wird.


Sunday, 22.09. 16:00-17:00

Performative tour

No verbal language/ performative tour

Yes. Participation possible.



Under the motto “bring different people move together”, TanzTangente has been active in diverse artistic, social and educational contexts since 1981 and initiates creative processes - interdisciplinary, intergenerational, intercultural and international. Our medium is contemporary dance in all its diversity, this time in cooperation with the Creatures collective.

PROGRAM 22.09. ghostly tracks

PROGRAM 22.09. ghostly tracks

Two video projections on the façade of the mouse bunker question the relationship between human and non-human species: While the now empty building houses the memory and spirits of many lives within its thick walls, it finally makes space to create a new relationship with our non-human co-inhabitants. Practicing climate care and climate justice means taking responsibility for and caring for all the spaces of coexistence we encounter.


Sunday, 22.09. 20:30-22:000

Talk + video projection installation

The installation is visual and works with sound, spoken language is not intended.

Yes. Participation possible.

Video projections with sound in natural darkness.


ufo ufo is a spatial research collective from Berlin. We create new narratives for a more democratic and ecological vision of cities and work with film as a means of documentation, narration and communication. We organise film screenings in urban spaces to make social and ecological issues accessible to people who are not planning experts.

PROGRAM 22.09. Music at the Mäusebunker

PROGRAM 22.09. Music at the Mäusebunker

17:00-19:00 Amuleto Manuela (DJ Set / Global Grooves)Amuleto Manuela is a Colombian DJ and sound artist based in Berlin. She brings together music from different African diasporas with a carefully curated vinyl selection of silky Afro-Latin funk, soul and disco, along with fat cumbias, dusty boleros and other genres such as currulao, samba and guguancó.

19:00-19:30 Dornika (Live Act / Political dance pop) Iranian-American artist Dornika is a musician, visual artist, drag performer and vocal coach who has established herself in Berlin's vibrant queer night scene with her alter ego Many Faced Godx, performing drag, music and dance at festivals and clubs across Europe. Dornika's work is heavily influenced by her activism and tackles issues such as state violence, sexism, inequality and mental health. Our bodies don't fucking belong to anyone!

19:30-21:00 SENU (DJ set, Afro-diasporic rhythms) SENU is part of SLIC Unit, which guarantees good sounds. The artists in the collective not only share their enthusiasm for music, but also their longing for unity, joy and radical solidarity. Their club sets reflect their respective influences: an intimate fusion of Afro-Beats, Baile Funk, UK Bass, House, Dancehall, Perreo, US-Club-Music and Jersey Club.

21:00-22:00 K'BOKO (Live Set / Afrobrazillian Futuristic Music) K'boko, a Brazilian artist based in Berlin, is a DJ, producer, percussionist, music therapist and social worker. His beats specialise in Afro-diasporic bass music. They combine organic Afro-Brazilian roots with digital and electronic influences and are inspired by Afro-diasporic sounds from all over the world. His Afrofuturistic live show is supported by projections and dance, which together create a ritual on the dancefloor.

Harmony Heights

Sunday, 22.09. 17:00-22:000


Yes. Participation possible